Get Involved
Make the connection to mind, body and environment
Share compassion in your community
Join our community gathering on Thursday 9th March 2023. You will be inspired this year by two local women speaking from diverse backgrounds. They are both dynamic changemakers who will share their passion on the need to disrupt the current codes of behaviours, beliefs and systems that foster entrenched inequality through innovation, access and education.
The speakers are Aunty Geraldine Atkinson (member of First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria) and Sara Hely (Climate Change Scientist).
Aunty Geraldine is a leader with transformative ideas for accessible education and a fairer future.
Sara is a bold thinker creating innovation and inclusive technologies for the next generation.
Both these women are enacting their vision for our future generations through innovation, access, and education.
The intent of the event is to provide an opportunity to connect with Community, connect with Country, and connect with Compassion….. for all.
Hosted by Mandy Hogan, Connect with Compassion (not-for-profit) fundraising in support of educational scholarships for empowering marginalised women. Proudly sponsored by Rural City of Wangaratta, Victoria. This is an important fundraising initiative that supports educational training programs which can empower marginalised women to break free from entrenched behaviours, beliefs and systems that foster inequality.
The funds raised will be dedicated by the Connect with Compassion project to supporting specific training & educational scholarships for disadvantaged women locally and globally. Donations will be made to the organisation Bali Wise ( to provide training and education scholarships for impoverished young women. Contributions will also be made to Aboriginal education organisation (Vic) to assist with programs assisting women's self-empowerment.
Celebrating International Women's Day each March with us!
Connect with Compassion Documentary Film Fundraisers featuring The Connection- Mind your Body. Funds raised from the ticket sales of these and other supporting events will contribute to vocational training scholarships and enhance the economic sustainability of marginalised women in developing countries, currently focused on Nepal and Bali. White scarves sold will provide funding to support scholarships for higher education of young school-leavers in these countries, in association with The NAG School and, Kathmandu and
The Connection is a film about how frontier research is proving that there is a direct connection between your mind and your health.
change your mind, change your health and change your life
The film features scientists, researchers, writers and doctors, as well as remarkable true stories of people adding mind body medicine to their healing toolkit to recover from severe back pain, heart disease, infertility, cancer and multiple sclerosis. While the science is complex, the solutions for people suffering with illness are astonishingly simple. The film shows that we can counter the harmful effects of stress with an equally powerful relaxation response triggered through specific techniques such as meditation. It shows that emotions can impact the course of an illness for better or for worse and could even be the difference between life and death. The film explains the mechanisms behind belief, which scientists now know contributes 30 to 50 percent of the effect of any known biological cure and explores how scientists at the cutting edge are now learning that the mind can even influence the expression of genes and the rate at which we age.
Previous screenings have raised over $10,000 in funds donated to Seven Women Nepal organisation that supports training and education of marginalised and disabled Nepalese Women (Wangaratta, Victoria in September 2017 & July 2018, & Melbourne, Victoria in November 2017).
The last screening was at The Yoga Barn, Ubud, Bali to celebrate International Women's Day from a global perspective on March 12th, 2018. $3000 was raised with combined International Women's day March film and lunch events to support vocational training of young Indonesian women to gain sustainable employment.

Mindfulness for Well-being -events / Keynote speaker please call to discuss the function's needs
Simply Being Mindfulness Workshops
Contact us for the 2020 dates of workshops to be held at 74C Ovens St, Wangaratta, Victoria
Seasonal Day Retreats in Mindfulness
April 201920 (date TBC) at Cheshunt, King Valley, Victoria
Tai Chi for Health & Qigong– mindful movement classes
Upcoming 8-week Tai Chi program commences on Fridays 11.45am
Qigong Classes Wednesdays 5.30pm and Thursdays 11am
Contact us at 74C Ovens St, Wangaratta, Victoria Ph 0409577940
Weekly sessions Thursdays 5.45pm at 74C Ovens St, Wangaratta, Victoria
Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace seminars- please call to discuss the workplace needs
Contact Mandy to register for a program Ph 0409 577 940
Wear Your White Scarf or Beads of Compassion

Let us organise a mindfulness event or program for your group, organisation or company.
You can learn the health and well-being value of taking time to nourish yourself by living more mindfully.
Contact Mandy to arrange a program
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