Stories of Compassion
One year on…. Connecting with Compassion globally
One year on.....Connecting with Compassion “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” Mother TheresaWhat did[...]
The Cycle of Giving and Receiving
The Cycle of Giving and Receiving “We are so often caught up in our destination that we forget to appreciate the[...]
Cultivate Compassion to Nurture Self and Serve Others
Cultivate Compassion to Nurture Self and Serve Others"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving[...]
The Seven Simplicities of Self
The Seven Simplicities of Self1. Share your secret smile. When you share your smile every day in every way, you[...]
Finding Your Inner Space to Live Better for Longer
Finding Your Inner Space to Live Better for Longer We all experience stress—it’s a hard-wired response that can be advantageous[...]
Day 12 – Moments of Appreciation
Day 12 - Moments of Appreciation Moments of appreciation- so little can make such a big differenceWe are passionate about[...]
Day 11 – Women To Wear White Scarf
Day 11 - Women To Wear White Scarf So, we have found THE WHITE SCARF! We started the journey of[...]
Day 10 – Coming To Our Senses
Day 10 - Coming To Our Senses To come to your senses is to simply be aware. This means to[...]
Day 9 – All Things Are Not Equal
Day 9 - All Things Are Not Equal What does it mean to be a marginalised person? We can easily[...]
Day 8 – Mindful Women
Day 8 - Mindful Women Finding time to simply be was the theme today. We were to enjoy watching the[...]
Day 7 – Children Just Like Me
Day 7 - Children Just Like Me Children in mind, children in kind. Without education, life is dark. We need[...]
Day 6 – Giving and Gratitude
Day 6 - Giving and Gratitude There are some people in this world who are born to give. Let me[...]
Day 5 – Women In Mind
Day 5 - Women In Kind Women in Mind, Women in Kind – there are women on the streets of Kathmandu[...]
Day 4 – Simple Things We Take For Granted
Day 4 - Simple Things We Take For Granted Essentially as humans we all desire to be safe and protected, happy[...]
Day 3 – Connecting With Compassion
Day 3 - Connecting With Compassion Being a human being is not so easy. We are all vulnerable in the[...]
Day 2 – Similarities and Differences
Day 2 - Similarities and Differences The morning started on the hotel rooftop doing some Tai Chi whilst looking over[...]
Day 1 – Our Arrival in Kathmandu
Day 1 - Our Arrival in Kathmandu Today was one of those days that clarifies what we already know but[...]
Children’s Mindful Colouring and Core Values
Children's Mindful Colouring and Core Values I recently had the absolute pleasure to collaborate with Grade ¾ classes at a[...]