Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Mindful companies know their direction, keep their best people, grow in innovation and find their potential.
Be amazed at the difference a little change can make…….
Mindfulness training has remarkable potential to deliver real benefits in in the workplace for:
• reducing stress and reactivity
• improving attention and focus
• promoting self-awareness
• facilitating communication
• creating a compassionate and positive culture
In summary, mindfulness can optimise emotional intelligence to enhance work performance.

Mindfulness in the Workplace
For Empowered Healthy Workers
These programs will offer training in attention-focus skills & practical strategies for emotional resilience.
Seminar Programs are tailored to the needs of the workplace.
Introduction Sessions 2 hours / Monthly workshops / Half day seminars
In-depth Programs - 8 sessions weekly or monthly
Content will include:
• an introduction to mindfulness with application to stress relief
• body and breath mindfulness techniques for optimum well-being
• simple attention-focus training skills
• mindful listening and communication skills
These skills can be immediately incorporated into work behaviour to relieve the perception of stress, and manage pressures of deadlines, colleague interactions and corporate expectations.
Contact: amanda@hoganhealth.com.au if you would like to know more about courses on offer.