Connect with Compassion Purpose
Liz Phillips
Everyone has a story.
My story incorporates my inner core values, along with my interests and abilities that have developed over time.
These core values and attributes are rock solid and define who I am – although they can sometimes be overshadowed by the busyness of daily life.

Shared Core Values
Now that I have reached a milestone in my life it has prompted me to slow down and reflect on my journey so far and who I really am.
Everyone has a story and mine incorporates where I was born, my family tree, education, travels, relationships, career, and life's experiences and lessons. Whilst my perspective of my daily life story can alter from day to day depending on external pressures, I have come to realise that what can never change is who I am; the fundamental inner core values upon which I am built and have grown and the fundamental interests, abilities, and talents which have developed over time through opportunities I have been given.
I met my dear friend Mandy at kindergarten and then reconnected with her late in secondary school when we went to Papua New Guinea on a school trip. Our love of travel bonded us and when we were 20 years old we headed off to Nepal on our first big adventure. Whilst there, we were each given a white scarf – mine still hangs on my dressing table today, 30 years later. I can’t tell you why I never packed it away, but obviously there was a subconscious memory of the amazing life-changing experience I never wanted to forget.
Since then, I have continued to explore Australia and the world with my husband, children, family and friends. I have met people from all walks of life and made lifelong connections. Everyone’s stories have been so interesting to listen to and learn from, and I have come to recognise that everyone has their own individual talents and abilities and plays an important role in the world. Everyone is special.
Whilst all individuals have their own story, it has become clear that many of them are people ‘just like me’. They live in my community, my state, my country and throughout the world. They have similar building blocks, fundamental virtues or core values and share a similar vision for themselves, their loved ones and the world.
My purpose is to encourage people around the globe to stop, quieten their minds and open their hearts in order to truly reflect on their special qualities, wisdom and intuition. I believe once we fully understand this and embrace our inner being, then we have the strength to move through each day with gratitude and our own purpose.
Thirty years later, Mandy and I return to Nepal to gather white scarves made by the Seven Women organisation. During our journey, we intend to pass these white scarves onto others to wear and, in turn, encourage them to look inwards using all their senses, to overcome any judgement of themselves or others and to discover the true and beautiful person they are. We wish for people to feel in touch with their inner strength, reduce the internal chatter and live each day connected to themselves and the world whilst knowing there are others around the globe ‘just like me’.